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Co-developmen... | Milano | 12 May 2018 h.10:00 |
2018-05-12 10:00
Co-development Workshop
The 12th of May 2018, in Fondazione L ‘Albero della Vita headquarters a workshop on co-development has been held. The workshop concludes a path of engagement of migrant associations in order to strengthen their skills in managing their organization, to raise their voice and to be more effective in their action. The following organizations took part to the workshop: ARNI – ASSOCIATION DES RESSORTISSANTS DE NGUITH EN ITALIE: born in 1991 in Naples. It gives support for migrants arriving in Italy from Burkina Faso. AISHA PROJECT: born in Milan in 2016, it becomes an Association in 2017. Its goal is to implement preventive activities against gender violence and discrimination against women, both Muslims and non-Muslims. AFRIACA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION: born in Milan. Its main activities are the integration, the training and the education of migrants. UMMI – ITALIAN MUSLIM MOMS UNION: born in 2014 in Milan. Its aim is to unite Muslim and non-Muslim mothers. It offers support in education and health sectors. ADMI – ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM WOMEN OF ITALY: born in 2002. It implements activities linked to the problems that Muslim women have to face in Italy. AMEB MOTHER AND CHILD CARE: born in 2012 in Milan. It works for the scholastic integration and it carries out co-development activities in Somalia. ROSA DEL DESERTO: born in 2005 in Milan, it offers support to Moroccan women who are in a situation of hardship. It offers support mainly in Italy, with the collaboration of the Moroccan Ministry. It has collaborated with the Municipality of Milan and with the Lombardy Region. EGITALIA ASSOCIATION FOR THE FIRST GENERATION: born in Bresso (in province of Milan) in 2005. It carries out education and development activities for children born in Italy through post-school courses. The Workshop – held by the expert Sara Franzoso – considered different aspects from how no profit sector is organized, to how to get public and private funding to the concept of co-development, the importance of diaspora associations. Finally, it provides with basic knowledge on project designing and propose a small scale project exercise. Via Vittor Piani 13 CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
“Commun... | Sabadell | 25 Mar 2017 h.10:00 |
2017-03-25 10:00
“Communication on the FGM” workshop
On 25th March 2017 the 13 young participants of the 3rd workshop, promoted by Wassu-UAB Foundation in the framework of the CHAT project, strengthened their communication skills on the FGM issue. Group activities focused on facilitation technique and conflict management in communities. Fira Sabadell, Sabadell CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
“Changes in... | Sabadell | 11 Mar 2017 h.10:00 |
2017-03-11 10:00
“Changes in culture” workshop
The second workshop, promoted by Wassu-UAB Foundation in the framework of the CHAT project, has been held on the 11th of March 2017 involving 13 young participants with a special focus on Behavior and Cultural Change. Fira Sabadell, Sabadell CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
“Perspe... | Sabadell | 18 Feb 2017 h.10:00 |
2017-02-18 10:00
“Perspectives on the FGM” workshop
On the 18th of February 2018, Wassu-UAB Foundation held its first workshop in the framework of the CHAT project drawing the attention of the young participants on the FGM perspectives. Fira Sabadell, Sabadell CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
Positive Devi... | Milan | 28 Jan 2017 h.9:30 |
2017-01-28 9:30
Positive Deviants: training module 2
In the framework of the CHAT project, the training path for the Positive Deviants, promoted by FADV in its headquarters in Milan on the 28th January 2017, continued with the second training module focusing on the FGM practice analysis. Via Vittor Pisani, 13/B – 20124 Milan CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
Positive Devi... | Milan | 21 Jan 2017 h.9:30 |
2017-01-21 9:30
Positive Deviants: training module 1
On 21st January 2017 the training path for the Positive Deviants has started with a first module focusing on Behavior Change and Replace approach, promoted by the CHAT project coordinator FADV. Via Vittor Pisani, 13/B – 20124 Milan CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
“Create... | Lisbon | 14 Jan 2017 h.10:00 |
2017-01-14 10:00
“Create a shared language about FGM” Workshop
On 14th January 2017, the 16 young participants of the 1st workshop, promoted by APF in the framework of the CHAT project, discussed together about the legal issues, the health and the human rights implications linked with the FGM. CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
CSR against F... | Via Rontgen, 1 20136 Milano | 04 Oct 2016 h.12.00 |
2016-10-04 12.00
CSR against FGM in Europe
Private sector and Corporate Social Responsability can have a leading role in facing social problems and preventing female genital mutilation. We will discuss together about this during the 4th edition of the Salone dell’Innovazione Sociale at Bocconi University, an important opportunity to meet companies, non-profit associations, experts, teachers, students and other leading bearers of interest concerning the future of sustainability. |
Webinar on th... | CSR Network website | 14 Sep 2016 h.10.00 |
2016-09-14 10.00
Webinar on the role of the Private sector against FGM
The professional webinar, organised by CSR Manager Network and Fondazione L’Albero della Vita, will introduce CHAT – Changing Attitude. Fostering Dialogue to prevent FGM, the European project against Female Genital Mutilation, and will explain to the companies how to collaborate to fight the problem. During the 30 minutes webinar, participants from the private sector will learn more in general about Female Genital Mutilation, their role in the communities at risk living in Europe and their implications. The webinar is open to the public and free, but it is necessary to confirm the presence sending an e-mail to: segreteria@csrmanagernetwork.it At the scheduled time, please click here and then select the option CHIAMA TRAMITE COMPUTER to join the webinar. CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
Italian Actio... | via Vittor Pisani, 13 20124 Milan | 30 Aug 2016 h.09.30 am |
2016-08-30 09.30 am
Italian Action Group foundation
The Action group’s members met for the first time, sharing their experiences and attitudes and starting to analyze the shortlist of trainings proposed. |
Steering Grou... | Milan | 11 Jun 2016 h. all day |
2016-06-11 all day
Steering Group 2nd meeting
On June 11 and 12, 2016, the Steering Group met in Milan with the coordinator for a meeting lasting 2 days. The members discussed about the deliverables achieved over the last 2 months and worked together with enthusiasm to produce the final shortlist. Via Vittor Pisani, 13, 20080 Milano CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
Steering Grou... | Milan | 01 Jun 2016 h.xx.xx |
2016-06-01 xx.xx
Steering Group 1st meeting
The Steering Group met in Milan with the coordinator of the project to find an agreement concerning the working process leading to the 5 different training proposals of the project. Each of the 4 members shared his/her experiences and ideas with the other members concerning how to compose the shortlist. |
Kick off meet... | Milan | 09 Mar 2016 h.9.00 am |
2016-03-09 9.00 am
Kick off meeting CHAT partners
The CHAT partners from Portugal, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom met in Milan with the coordinator of the project for the Kick off meeting. The aim was to speak about the requirements necessary to monitor FGM, the strategy of the project as well as the similarities and differences characterizing each country. |
Kick off meet... | Brussel | 25 Feb 2016 h. all day |
2016-02-25 all day
Kick off meeting with the European Commission (EU)
All the coordinators of the new projects co-funded by the Justice Department of the EU met with their officers in Brussels in order to share the strategies and objectives of the actions as well as the common view of Europe against gender violence and child marriage. Brussel CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org |
25 Mar 2017 h.10:00
On 25th March 2017 the 13 young participants of the 3rd workshop, promoted by Wassu-UAB Foundation in the framework of the CHAT project, strengthened their communication skills on the FGM issue. Group activities focused on facilitation technique and conflict management in communities.
Fira Sabadell, Sabadell CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org
11 Mar 2017 h.10:00
The second workshop, promoted by Wassu-UAB Foundation in the framework of the CHAT project, has been held on the 11th of March 2017 involving 13 young participants with a special focus on Behavior and Cultural Change.
Fira Sabadell, Sabadell CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org
Via Rontgen, 1 20136 Milano
04 Oct 2016 h.12.00
Private sector and Corporate Social Responsability can have a leading role in facing social problems and preventing female genital mutilation. We will discuss together about this during the 4th edition of the Salone dell’Innovazione Sociale at Bocconi University, an important opportunity to meet companies, non-profit associations, experts, teachers, students and other leading bearers of interest concerning the future of sustainability.
The focus of 2016 will be change, cohesion and competitiveness.
On October, 4 2016 Fondazione L’Albero della Vita and some of the protagonists of the CHAT project will introduce to the audience more information about FGM and how no profit and private sector can work together to create shared value.
Download the agenda of the event and the corporate involvement brochure
Find more information and pictures of the activity here
CSR Network website
14 Sep 2016 h.10.00
The professional webinar, organised by CSR Manager Network and Fondazione L’Albero della Vita, will introduce CHAT – Changing Attitude. Fostering Dialogue to prevent FGM, the European project against Female Genital Mutilation, and will explain to the companies how to collaborate to fight the problem.
During the 30 minutes webinar, participants from the private sector will learn more in general about Female Genital Mutilation, their role in the communities at risk living in Europe and their implications.
The webinar is open to the public and free, but it is necessary to confirm the presence sending an e-mail to: segreteria@csrmanagernetwork.it
At the scheduled time, please click here and then select the option CHIAMA TRAMITE COMPUTER to join the webinar.
CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.org
12 May 2018 h.10:00
The 12th of May 2018, in Fondazione L ‘Albero della Vita headquarters a workshop on co-development has been held. The workshop concludes a path of engagement of migrant associations in order to strengthen their skills in managing their organization, to raise their voice and to be more effective in their action. The following organizations took part to the workshop:
ARNI – ASSOCIATION DES RESSORTISSANTS DE NGUITH EN ITALIE: born in 1991 in Naples. It gives support for migrants arriving in Italy from Burkina Faso.
AISHA PROJECT: born in Milan in 2016, it becomes an Association in 2017. Its goal is to implement preventive activities against gender violence and discrimination against women, both Muslims and non-Muslims.
AFRIACA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION: born in Milan. Its main activities are the integration, the training and the education of migrants.
UMMI – ITALIAN MUSLIM MOMS UNION: born in 2014 in Milan. Its aim is to unite Muslim and non-Muslim mothers. It offers support in education and health sectors.
ADMI – ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM WOMEN OF ITALY: born in 2002. It implements activities linked to the problems that Muslim women have to face in Italy.
AMEB MOTHER AND CHILD CARE: born in 2012 in Milan. It works for the scholastic integration and it carries out co-development activities in Somalia.
ROSA DEL DESERTO: born in 2005 in Milan, it offers support to Moroccan women who are in a situation of hardship. It offers support mainly in Italy, with the collaboration of the Moroccan Ministry. It has collaborated with the Municipality of Milan and with the Lombardy Region.
EGITALIA ASSOCIATION FOR THE FIRST GENERATION: born in Bresso (in province of Milan) in 2005. It carries out education and development activities for children born in Italy through post-school courses.
The Workshop – held by the expert Sara Franzoso – considered different aspects from how no profit sector is organized, to how to get public and private funding to the concept of co-development, the importance of diaspora associations. Finally, it provides with basic knowledge on project designing and propose a small scale project exercise.
Milano , CHAT gianelli.fondazione@alberodellavita.orgWe use cookies to offer you the best possible experience on our website. More Info
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