CHAT PLUS – CHange Attitude Plus.


The CHAT Plus project is co-financed by the CERV program and it strenghens the engagement of FADV and its partners in fighting FGM and Harmful practices in Europe.


The project has the main objective of preventing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Europe through the activation of young people mainly belonging to the communities where FGM is still practiced in Europe.


Female genital mutilation is a global concern.

It comprises all the procedures that involve the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons and does not bear any real benefit to women.
As recognised in international conventions, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) constitutes a crime and a violation of Human Rights and Children’s Rights as well as a form of gender discrimination, which prevents women and girls to conduct a normal and peaceful life.


In a recent study, UNICEF estimated that, compared to 30 years ago, there has been a general reduction. Nevertheless, progress is not fast enough and not universal to reach Sustainable Development Goal Agenda 2030, target 5.3. FGM has become a European concern.

It is estimated that around 600.000 women are living with the consequences of FGM in Europe and that a further 190.000 girls and women are at risk of undergoing the harmful practice in 17 European countries alone. Moreover, UNHCR estimates that every year for the past five years at least 20.000 women and girls’ asylum seekers coming to Europe might be affected by FGM.



The intervention aims to:


CHAT Plus project involves 5 European countries (Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, The Netherlands) and adopts an approach based on the idea that young people are the actors of change towards the elimination of FGM in Europe.

The target group of the CHAT Plus project is quite diversified and it includes: 70 members of local, national and European institutions; 80 Young people: girls and boys from second or third generation (aged 13/25). 300 Professionals of health, education, social and migration sectors; 1635 Diaspora representatives: women, men, religious leaders, private sectors, diplomatic representations; 50 potential perpetrators.


Click here for more info about the project.


The CHAT project includes three main actions:



The focus of the CHAT Plus project is the change in behaviour on FGM in Europe, with the foundamental help of the young generations. They will be involved in the creation of a Behavioural Communication Campaign, coordinated by FADV and the project’s partners.


The Behavioural Communication Campaign (BCC) will be the path with which the Young Change Makers will campaign among the affected community to make them change direction on FGM.


Documents will be produced and uploaded on the project’s website, such as:




Fondazione L’Albero Della Vita ETS




Akina Dada wa Africa,
Fundación Wassu-UAB,
Associaçăo para o Planeamento da Família
FAS – Fundació Autònoma Solidària


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