Website Privacy Policy


Fondazione L’Albero della Vita Onlus —hereinafter also called “ADV” or “the Foundation”— attaches great importance to the protection of individuals’ privacy and fundamental rights. Since the Internet might be a threat for your personal data, the Foundation has made a serious commitment to respect the rules of conduct —in line with the Italian legislative decree of June 30, 2003, No. 196 (Personal Data Protection Code)— to ensure a safe, controlled and confidential online environment.
This data protection and confidentiality policy may change over time, also based on any additions and changes to the Italian laws and regulations on the subject. Therefore, the Foundation recommend users to regularly check this section of our website.

Please read the rules that the Foundation has established for personal data collection and processing, also in order to always offer a satisfactory service to users of this website.

Basic Principles of the Privacy Policy of ADV

  1. only using data for the purposes and in the manners indicated in the information shown to users each time they enter a section of this website requesting them to provide personal data;
  2. only using the data that have been spontaneously provided by the user;
  3. providing data to third parties only for expressly requested purposes and carefully selected by us;
  4. informing the user if data are disclosed to third parties for activities of interest or because the law, regulation or Community legislation require so;
  5. answering all requests for cancellation, modification, integration of personal data, opposition to data processing if the latter violates the law, opposition to data processing for informative communications about our projects and requests for financial contributions to support our institutional activities;
  6. ensuring a fair and lawful data processing, safeguarding users’ privacy, also by adopting appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.

Information in Virtue of Article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003

As better explained in the sections to subscribe to services reserved for users of our website —by providing one’s personal information—, the required data are used to respond to the requests expressly and voluntarily made by users. In particular, the activities of personal data collection —and later processing— are aimed at:

  1. responding to requests for information regarding ongoing or future activities, projects, initiatives;
  2. managing donations by credit card;
  3. managing volunteer requests;
  4. processing the orders of our fair-trade products;
  5. sending information about bequests.

The forms to be completed require data that are strictly necessary to meet the request —and that, if missing, would prevent from doing so—, but also optional data. Mandatory data are generally indicated with an asterisk.

All data processing in the scope of this website is performed with both hard copy and electronic and telematic tools, in compliance with current safety standards, for the purposes for which such data were collected, which are conveyed each time to the user.

The Foundation will not use the provided data for purposes other than those connected to the service to which the user has subscribed, and only within the limits of which the user is informed each time.

Data will be provided to third parties that will process them independently and offer services necessary to meet the user’s request (for example, companies that pack and deliver the informative material requested by the user) for purposes related to the service the user has subscribed to or in order to comply with laws or regulations.

Donors’ data will also be used to deliver informative material reserved for them, containing news about projects, institutional activities and humanitarian interventions carried out by ADV. They shall also be processed for fund-raising campaigns to finance institutional activities.

The “social advertising” material is sent to user only if they expressly requested this contact mode or have authorised such use.

Personal data will be accessed by individuals that are expressly authorized by ADV to take care of data processing activities for the above purposes. The categories of such people will be specified each time to the user. In general, these people are responsible for specific services, administration, management information services, relationships with current and potential donors, organisation of information campaigns about our projects and of the so-called “social advertising” to support our humanitarian initiatives.

Fondazione L’Albero della Vita Onlus —based in Via Vittor Pisani 13, 20124 Milan— is responsible for data processing in virtue of the Italian legislative decree of June 30, 2003, No. 196, since it can decide how and for what reasons —which are specified each time— personal data provided by users are collected and used. It also decides the tools to process them with and the safety procedures to be implemented to ensure data integrity, confidentiality and availability.

The rights expressed in article 7 of the Italian legislative decree 196/2003 are guaranteed. These allow to delete, modify, amend or supplement the information already spontaneously provided, as well as to request that they are blocked, made anonymous or to oppose their treatment if in violation of the law or if users do not want to receive “social advertising” by ADV anymore. Thanks to the exercise of these rights, users will be able to control the use of their data even after providing them.

Consultation, Modification and Deletion of Personal Data – Rights in Virtue of Article 7 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003

Rights set forth in article 7 of the Italian legislative decree 196/2003 —and whose essential details are listed below— may be exercised at any time by e-mail to or, alternatively, by post to Via Vittor Pisani 13, 20124 Milan. The interested party has the right to obtain:

  1.  the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning them, and the communication in an intelligible form of such data and their origin, as well as the logic and purposes behind the data processing if carried out electronically. The request can be renewed —unless there are justified reasons— after at least 90 days;
  2. the cancellation, anonymisation or blocking of data processed in violation of the law;
  3. the update, amendment or, if so desired, the integration of the data;
  4. the possibility to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning them;
  5. the possibility to object to the processing of personal data aimed at sending advertising material and interactive information communications.

Data Processors

Users’ personal data may be processed manually, electronically or telematically, either directly by ADV or by third parties —who, thanks to their experience, technical skills, professionalism and reliability, perform data processing activities on behalf of the Foundation—. This is to provide a constantly better service and to meet our users’ satisfaction as much as possible, in compliance with information confidentiality and security. For instance, it may be the case of companies that print or prepare “social advertising” messages to be sent to donors’ place.

The complete, updated list of data processors can be requested by writing an e-mail to or to the postal address indicated in the previous paragraph.

Third Parties Users’ Data Are Disclosed to

Users’ data may be disclosed to third-party independent data processors for purposes related to the services of interest or to control bodies to comply with laws and regulations requiring so.

What Are Cookies and How They Are Used by ADV

Cookies are information saved on the hard drive of users’ PC, which are sent to their browser from a web server and reflect their network use. As a result, cookies allow to know services requested by users, their visited sites and navigation options on the net.

This information is therefore not provided spontaneously or directly, but tracks how users are surfing the net.

In this regard, ADV wishes to clarify that the information collected through cookies will be used exclusively for strictly technical reasons, in order to ensure a smoother, immediate and fast access to the website and its services, and an easy navigation to each user. Such data will never be used to create user profiles based on sections of this website or on user actions on this site or surfing the net.

Credit Card Security

Online donations require users to introduce credit card and cardholder’s information. During the transaction, the credit card data (number, expiration date, cardholder’s details) will be collected directly by the issuing institution. Consequently, ADV will not have access to such information under any circumstances. The donation service is protected by advanced information encryption.

The cardholder’s data and credit card number will be inserted directly on the bank’s secure site. Storage, treatment modalities and security measures are, therefore, defined by the cardholder’s institution. Moreover, it should be noted that ADV shall not be liable for any unauthorized or fraudulent use of users’ credit card by third parties.

Security of Users’ Personal Data

ADV adopts suitable preventive security measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, completeness, availability of users’ data. As required by the regulatory provisions governing the security of personal data, technical, logistic and organisational solutions have been developed to prevent any damage, even accidental loss, alteration, misuse and unauthorized use of data concerning users. Similar preventive security measures are taken by third parties (data controllers) who perform processing operations on behalf of ADV.

On the other hand, ADV cannot be held responsible for any false information provided by users (e.g. the accuracy of their e-mail, postal address or other personal data), as well as for any information concerning them provided by third parties, even fraudulently.


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