
Lia Lombardi, Steering Group’s member

One of the aims of this project is to promote the change of attitudes towards FGM and to decrease the practice, through training activities and sensitization actions.
My contribution in the project is to take part in the steering group working on the training contents and modules

Lia Lombardi is Adjunct professor in Sociology, Sociology of Health and Medicine and Anthropology at the University of Milan; she is research partner at ISMU Foundation, Health and Welfare Unit. She is member of the Scientific Board of SISS (Italian Society of Health Sociology) and President of Association BLIMUNDE – Women’s View on Health and Medicine. Gender, Health, Migration and Social Policies are the main fields of her studies, with special attention on Mediterranean countries. Since 1989 she has been carrying out comparative researches on health and reproductive health by a gender and cultural perspective, with focuses on reproductive technologies and migratory processes. In the field of FGM, since 2007 she has been working on ethnographic research with migrant women and men and healthcare professionals in several area of Italy. Moreover, since 2010 she has been teaching in University and training courses for healthcare professional, on FGM subject through socio-cultural and gender approaches.
She also had teaching and research experiences abroad: University of Buenos Aires (1993); Beirut and South Lebanon (2009-2015). In 2008 she received the “Excellence in Teaching Award” from The University of California, Study Center of Padua.
Among her publications: Reproductive technology in Italy between gender policy and inequality. Can we speak of “social infertility”? in “ABOUT GENDER, International Journal of Gender Study”, Vol. 5, N. 9, pp. 1-20; Salute e benessere della popolazione immigrata. Stili di vita e accesso ai servizi per la salute, in Cesareo V. (Ed.), Fondazione ISMU, Milano, pp. 88-99; Discriminazioni professionali e di genere in Libano: uno studio esplorativo, in Bartholini I. (Ed.), FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp.129-144; Reproductive Health of Migrant Women in Italy and Europe. Abortion, Social Conditions and Policy, ISMU Foundation, Milan.

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